What is Border Collie Rescue?
Rescue is finding homes for stray,
abondoned and unwanted Border Collies.
Why do people give up their Border Collies?
- Herding Instinct, Nuisance
- In inappropriate situations, intelligent, active dogs like Border
Collies may become destructive or bark incessantly, becoming a nuisance. If
left to run loose a Border Collie's herding instinct may invite them to chase
cars or children, or even bite children in their desire to move them about.
- Understanding and Responsibility
- People sometimes buy a Border Collie without understanding the needs of the
breed, and then find they cannot cope with or focus the breed's active and
playful behavior thereby creating a hazard to themselves or others.
- Personal difficulties
- Divorce, health problems, death, relocation and financial problems also force
people to give up or abandon a dog.
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