Border Collie Logo Border Collie Logo
What is Border Collie Rescue?

Rescue is finding homes for stray,
abondoned and unwanted Border Collies.

Why do people give up their Border Collies?

Herding Instinct, Nuisance
In inappropriate situations, intelligent, active dogs like Border Collies may become destructive or bark incessantly, becoming a nuisance. If left to run loose a Border Collie's herding instinct may invite them to chase cars or children, or even bite children in their desire to move them about.
Understanding and Responsibility
People sometimes buy a Border Collie without understanding the needs of the breed, and then find they cannot cope with or focus the breed's active and playful behavior thereby creating a hazard to themselves or others.
Personal difficulties
Divorce, health problems, death, relocation and financial problems also force people to give up or abandon a dog.

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